martes, 12 de abril de 2022


Jesús Antonio Hernandez Rodríguez (PORTAVERITAS) His first works done as covers and illustrations for many books and magazines in México City, (Superluchas, Superluchas Gráfico, Tierra Adentro, Belcebu, Comikaze) since 1998, a political cartoonist for some years in México and a spanish webmagazine called "La Kodorniz",designer for several mexican wrestlers, posters of events, and his most recent works have been a Wrestling Cover for Chido Comics, Working as a webcomic artist for a project called Monstrous for The Attic a branch of The Third Floor in los Ángeles (2020) and 3 projects for Papermovies from 2019-2021. Projects written by Steven Grant, Shane Riches and Katie Bachelor. Using the icon of Gil Kane "HIS name is ...Savage", working his female version called "HER name is...Savage" and Black Jackets. Nowadays, working in illustrations and covers for magazines and a graphic novel called "Flamingo".

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