miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

Alvaro Sarraseca 02

My friends of comic book art, I love the amazing art of Álvaro Sarraseca. I love his clean and realistic style. You can find his art in Top Cow, Dynamite Entertainment and Aftershork Comics. Enjoy.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Lalit Kumar Sharma 06

Today I want share more art of Lalit Kumar Sharma. You can read his published work in n Boom! Studios, DC comics, Graphic India and Zenescope. Enjoy 


jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

Pablo Ándres 01

Today I want share with you the art of awesome artist Pablo Ándres. Pablo has worked in Dark Horse Comics. Enjoy

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

Álvaro Sarraseca 01

My friends of comic book art, I love the amazing art of Álvaro Sarraseca. I love his clean and realistic style. You can find his art in Top Cow, Dynamite Entertainment and Aftershork Comics. Enjoy.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Guillermo Sanna 1

I love the art of Guillermo Sanna. And I want share his secuential art here. He's working now in Marvel Comics, but he has worked in Amigo Comics, too. Enjoy.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

Lalit Kumar Sharma 05

Today I want share more art of Lalit Kumar Sharma. You can read his published work in n Boom! Studios, DC comics, Graphic India and Zenescope. Enjoy 

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

Josema P. Cordon 03

I want to share with you the awesome art of the talented artist Josema P. Cordon. You can find his art in Dupuis Editions. Enjoy. 

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Federico Dallocchio

Federico Dallocchio: After several years producing for small publishers, in 2009 He contracted Wildstorm to accompany the launch of the video game StarCraft II with a comic of 6 numbers and a special. After this, for various jobs in the industry, such as Call of Duty and Gears of Wars. Then Dark Horse puts in his hands the creation of a new era within the Star Wars universe, where he designed characters, ships and aesthetics. Already for 2011 he worked for DC, in the reboot of Suicide Squad, where He was from the first book and on which they were based for the realization of the film of 2016. Other Titles For DC include Batman, Batman, Superman, Green Arrow, Flash and Earth 2. His latest works are Summit #5 to #7 for Lionforge and Androïdes #5 for Soleil Prod.